All files / src/components/player player.ts

85.96% Statements 98/114
88.57% Branches 31/35
75% Functions 18/24
86.11% Lines 93/108
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import { Component, Input } from '@angular/core';
import { TranslateService } from '@ngx-translate/core';
import { InAppBrowser, InAppBrowserObject } from '@ionic-native/in-app-browser';
import { MEDIA_ERROR, MEDIA_STATUS, Media, MediaObject } from '@ionic-native/media';
import { TrackerService } from '../../providers/tracker-service/tracker-service';
import { PromptService } from '../../providers/prompt-service/prompt-service';
import { Events, Platform } from 'ionic-angular';
import { BackgroundMode } from '@ionic-native/background-mode';
import { GlobalService } from '../../providers/global-service/global-service';
import { MusicControlsManagerProvider } from '../../providers/music-controls-manager/music-controls-manager';
@Component( {
    providers: [ MusicControlsManagerProvider ],
    selector: 'player',
    templateUrl: 'player.html'
} )
export class PlayerComponent {
    @Input() private streamingUrl: string;
    @Input() private configReady: boolean;
    private browserPopup: InAppBrowserObject;
    private isPlaying = false;
    private isButtonActive = true;
    private playPauseButton = 'play';
    private mediaObject: MediaObject;
    private isLoading = true;
    private currentSong = { cover: { jpg: '', svg: '' }, title: '', artist: '', track: '' };
    private shareOptions: any;
    private trackingOptions: any;
    constructor( private plt: Platform,
                 private prompt: PromptService,
                 private translateService: TranslateService,
                 private iab: InAppBrowser,
                 private tracker: TrackerService,
                 private musicControlsManager: MusicControlsManagerProvider,
                 private media: Media,
                 private backgroundMode: BackgroundMode,
                 private events: Events,
    ) {
        this.currentSong = { cover: GlobalService.COVER_DEFAULT, title: 'Title', artist: 'Artist', track: 'Track' };
        // Events from MusicControlsManager '[MusicControlsManager]pause', this.pause.bind( this ) ); '[MusicControlsManager]play', this ) );
    public updateMeta ( currentSong ) {
        this.currentSong = currentSong;
        this.musicControlsManager.init( this.currentSong, this.isPlaying );
    private togglePlayPause () {
            .get( [
            ] )
            .subscribe( ( result: string ) => {
                    result[ 'TRACKING.PLAYER.CATEGORY' ],
                    result[ this.isPlaying ? 'TRACKING.PLAYER.ACTION.PAUSE' : 'TRACKING.PLAYER.ACTION.PLAY' ],
                    result[ 'TRACKING.PLAYER.LABEL.PLAYER_BUTTONS' ] );
            }, error => console.log( error ) );
        // Do this after the tracking, otherwise `isPlaying will had been changed`
        this.isPlaying ? this.pause() :;
    private play () {
        if ( !this.isPlaying ) {
            this.isButtonActive = false;
            this.prompt.presentLoading( true );
            this.isPlaying = true;
            this.playPauseButton = 'pause';
    private pause () {
        if ( this.isPlaying ) {
            if ( 'cordova' ) ) {
            this.musicControlsManager.updatePlayState( false );
            this.playPauseButton = 'play';
            this.isPlaying = false;
            this.isLoading = true;
    private startStreamingMedia () {
        if ( 'cordova' ) ) {
            // This is the first launch, we need to create the media object
            if ( !this.mediaObject ) {
            // Play the file
        } else {
            // TODO: fallback for browser ?
            this.onTrackError( 'Cordova is missing! ' +
                'If you\'re on a mobile device, please contact us at' );
    private createMedia () {
        this.mediaObject = this.streamingUrl );
        this.mediaObject.onStatusUpdate.subscribe( this.onMediaStatusUpdate.bind( this ) );
        this.mediaObject.onError.subscribe( this.onMediaError.bind( this ) );
    private onMediaStatusUpdate( status ) {
        if ( status === MEDIA_STATUS.RUNNING ) {
        if ( ( status === MEDIA_STATUS.STOPPED || status === MEDIA_STATUS.PAUSED )
            && this.backgroundMode.isEnabled() ) {
    private onMediaError( error: MEDIA_ERROR ) {
        const possibleErrors = [
        if ( possibleErrors.indexOf( error ) > 1 ) {
            this.onTrackError( error );
        } else {
            console.log( 'Media returns impossible error status !' );
            this.onTrackError( { isFalseError: true } );
    private onTrackLoaded ( event? ) {
        this.isLoading = false;
        this.isPlaying = true;
        this.isButtonActive = true;
        this.musicControlsManager.updatePlayState( true );
    private onTrackError ( event ) {
        this.isButtonActive = true;
        if ( 'cordova' ) ) {
            this.musicControlsManager.updatePlayState( false );
        } else {
            // cordova is missing, just reset the ui (setTimeout to 0 is to run this immediately)
            setTimeout( () => {
            }, 0 );
        if ( !event.isFalseError ) {
            if ( this.isPlaying ) {
            this.prompt.presentMessage( { message: event.toString(), classNameCss: 'error', duration: 6000 } );
    private resetUi() {
        this.playPauseButton = 'play';
        this.isPlaying = false;
        this.isLoading = true;
    private updateShareOptions () {
                { title: this.currentSong.title }
            .subscribe( ( result: string ) => {
                this.shareOptions = {
                    image: this.currentSong.cover.jpg,
                    message: result[ 'SHARING.CURRENT_SONG.MESSAGE' ],
                    subject: result[ 'SHARING.CURRENT_SONG.SUBJECT' ],
                    url: result[ 'SHARING.CURRENT_SONG.URL' ]
            } );
    private updateTrackingOptions () {
            .get( [
            ], {
                title: this.currentSong.title
            } )
            .subscribe( ( result: string ) => {
                this.trackingOptions = {
                    action: result[ 'TRACKING.SHARE.CURRENT_SONG.ACTION' ],
                    category: result[ 'TRACKING.SHARE.CURRENT_SONG.CATEGORY' ],
                    label: result[ 'TRACKING.SHARE.CURRENT_SONG.LABEL' ]
            } );
    private postToFeed () {
        // Escape HTML
        const el: HTMLElement = document.createElement( 'textarea' );
        el.innerHTML = this.currentSong.cover.jpg.toString();
                { track: this.currentSong.track, artist: this.currentSong.artist } )
            .subscribe( ( result: string ) => {
                const baseUrl = '';
                const url = `${baseUrl}?app_id=419281238161744&name=${this.currentSong.title}
                this.browserPopup = this.iab.create( url, '_blank' );
                // This check is because of a crash when simulated on desktop browser
                if ( typeof this.browserPopup.on( 'loadstop' ).subscribe === 'function' ) {
                    this.browserPopup.on( 'loadstop' ).subscribe( ( evt ) => {
                        if ( evt.url === '' ) {
                    } );
            } );
    private closePopUp () {